Why Cardio Intervals are so Dang Effective!

Why Cardio Intervals are so Dang Effective!

Intervals are BY FAR the most efficient way to do your cardiovascular workout. These are the reasons why intervals kick long, constant-cardio workouts in the butt: Your metabolism will sky-rocket! It will stay elevated post workout for so much longer than if you just jogged at one level pace. This is due to EPOC (Exercise[…]

The BEST way to do your Cardio

The BEST way to do your Cardio!

There are so many benefits to doing your cardio work in intervals read my post Why Cardio Intervals are so Dang Effective to understand why! Now that you are convinced that intervals truly are THE GREATEST, try this amazing interval workout. It can be done on the treadmill, bike, elliptical, row machine, etc. or even outside[…]

Treadmill Running vs. Outdoor Running

Tuesday’s Tip: Treadmill Running vs. Outdoor Running

Today let’s briefly discuss treadmill running vs. outdoor running, read on to expand your brain and knowledge! First of all, both are great forms of cardiovascular exercise! Running is not for everyone, nor is it the only type of exercise you should do, but it is great to incorporate into your routine. Here are a[…]