Lunge, Hop, Climb, FLY!

Happy Friday! Here is a workout for you all to try over the weekend! Set your timer for 45sec on/15sec rest for 6 exercises…After 1 round, take a minute rest and then repeat 4 more times. YOU CAN DO IT! Mtn Climbers – (right knee to chest then left) Flying Superwoman – (* See below) Plank on Hands[…]

Full Body Quick Workout

Full Body Quick Workout

Hope you all had a great Valentine’s day and weekend! I spent the weekend in beautiful Monterey CA :) Did a bunch of hiking, ran along the coast, went to the aquarium and indulged in some delicious food and wine. Running out of time for a workout today? No way! Try this short one, anything[…]

Do Anywhere Workout

The Do Anywhere Workout #3 LEGS!!!

We all sometimes get busy and think we don’t have time to workout because there is no time to get to the gym. Well save yourself some time and workout at home! Or at a park, a hotel, in the break room at work… the options are endless! Try this Do Anywhere Leg Workout and[…]

Do Anywhere Workout

The Do Anywhere Workout #2!

Hey everybody! Here’s another workout that you can do no matter where you are! Whether you are on a business trip and only have a hotel room; a busy parent at home; in a park with your kids; or just need an at home workout after a long day at work, try this! The Do[…]

Thrilling Tabata

It’s time for Tabata!! Tabata training is a very specific version of interval training: you perform 8 rounds of the same exercise for 20 seconds on/10 seconds rest. The idea is to go as hard as you can for the 20 seconds, knowing that shortly you will have a break. This high intensity, short duration[…]

The Playground Workout

The Playground Workout

This playground workout is perfect for you to take the kids to the park and get in a workout while they play! Anyone that lives near a park, this works for you too, it’s not just for the moms! Playground Workout 10 Push Ups with Hands on Bench (Harder option: Feet on bench) 15 Jumping Pull[…]

12 Minute Workout

12 Minute Workout

12 Minute Workout – A great, fast, strength workout! Do this workout alone if rushed for time, otherwise follow with 20-30mins of cardio of your choice. PS: KB = Kettle Bell (if you don’t have a kettle bell, use something else heavy (dumbbell, dictionary :) haha anything) PPS: “Sumo Deadlift High Pull”= Wide leg stance, holding[…]